
rainbow promises

The unusually beautiful light brought me to my senses. An intense orange glow pushed past heavy curtains, spilled onto the floorboards, and flooded the space. I stumbled out of bed to pull the curtains back. The early morning horizon appeared as bright as noontime.

How odd, I mused. As if I awoke in the Mediterranean! If not for the undeniably familiar landscape. Shades of brown and gray merged on the distant river bend, on bare limbs, in barren fields. A rain shower misted the panes. Classic North Country in November.

Curiosity propelled me with unusual enthusiasm for the hour. I nearly skipped from window to window to observe the phenomena. Everything was bathed in a glorious light. A full circle of splendor surrounded our home. Then a rainbow materialized above cornstalk stubble, also aglow. It was a spectacular show!

Who doesn’t love a rainbow? I mean, seriously. Don’t you also pause a moment to observe a dancing arch of color? We don’t care about the position of the sun or the science of reflection or refraction. We just savor the display that lifts our spirits skyward.

Rainbows are testaments to God’s abiding love and faithfulness. The first rainbow accompanied the first covenant. God promised never to destroy the earth again by flood (Genesis 9:11). That was a good promise, eh?

Long after the fabulous light faded, the rainbow was on my mind. Then a thought plopped like a big raindrop on my grocery list-making. Storms are required — for rainbows and life.  I turned this over a few times, considering my own experiences. It seems too obvious, right?

Oh, how I’ve treasured “rainbows” of life! Indeed, we should cherish joyful occasions when life is marvelous. We sing; we dance; we celebrate. Yeah! It’s easy to forget that magnificent rainbows come by way of a storm.

I’ve no doubt you’ve suffered some storms. Me, too. In fact, most of this year feels like a storm. Nothing much has made sense. A lot has been stressful, sometimes scary. Aren’t we all ready to see the end of the 2020 storm system? But long before COVID, we’ve known the all-consuming disruptions of stormy seasons in our lives.

What happens in the storm? Clouds tower and threaten. Winds bluster and bully. The elements unleash their fury. We are oppressed. We feel overwhelmed. We go numb from the sting. We don’t know who to trust. Doubt floods in. Faith wavers as we lose footing. Heads down, we trudge on with a niggling concern, Will I ever sing or dance again?

Take heart, my friend. The rainbow covenant is the first of thousands of promises in Scripture. They are like gold nuggets waiting to be mined. God’s faithfulness is renown to those who love Him and keep His commands. His promises are true to a thousand generations (Dt. 7:9; Ps. 105:8).

Look past the storm you’re facing, friend. Just as we trust the sun is there —  even when we can’t see it — so is God. Lean into the promises of the ultimate promise-keeper. As King David proclaimed, God is our rock, our refuge, and our shield. He is our rescuer and our deliverer. He is our light in the darkness. He is our salvation and mighty to save! Grab hold of Psalm 18 for storm-trudging, courage-boosting inspiration today.

God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. For who is God except the Lord? Who but our God is a solid rock? God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect. He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.

Psalm 18:30-33 NLT


2 Comments on “rainbow promises

  1. Thank you for this post. A few weeks ago, while in prayer, God reminded me of His word: “Fear not, for I have overcome the world”. Your post offers all of us His hope for the future.

    1. That’s a great verse and a good reminder. We dare not shrink back as those who have no hope; we belong to those who have faith and will be saved (Hebrews 10:39)! Keep faith, friend. Thank you for reading!

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