• Faith

    eternity in our hearts

    “GiGi, I will have some crackers and juice this time,” my grandgirl asserted. I recalled the occasion months ago when I passed the communion plate over her head. Apparently, I’d offended her (again). This presented a precious opportunity talk about our faith. Clearly, my grandgirl’s heart is in the right…

  • Faith

    stones and such

    Last week we glamped with the grands at Lake Ontario. This was RV#3 experience, if the back yard trial counts? In the region where we stayed, the shoreline was mostly rock. Relentless water and wind pound the stones into submission. Flat discs in an array of colors and sizes shifted…

  • Faith

    more of that fruit

    If you could only eat one fruit for the rest of your life, what would it be? My first thought is of this luscious peach, plucked in its prime in Sirince, Turkey. Sun-warmed and juicy, each bite nearly dissolved on its own accord. We enjoyed other fruit in the generous shade…

  • Faith

    love, enough to reset

    I don’t usually lock the door before I begin a workout. It’s just that my fitness routine is so new I can hardly classify it as such. And one of our grands does tend to pop in just about then, looking for help with the bunnies. I enjoy pop-ins, generally…

  • Faith

    wascally wabbits

    My Mother’s Day request seemed simple enough. “A long drive,” I said. “Nowhere in particular.” It was unseasonably cool but sufficiently sunny. Cabin fever a la COVID-19 was setting in. Little did I know by the end of the day we’d have two new furry friends. We call him “Blackberry”…

  • Faith

    trumpeting unity

    I’m a fan of daffodils, a welcome sight after a long No Co winter. I might not notice a stem here, another there. Invariably, however, they surface en masse, a community chorus trumpeting spring. This year I planted daffodils in my window boxes, for an up-close and personal effect. As…

  • Faith

    hope, like feathers

    I watched the robins closely; a perfect pair perched motionless on the lawn one unreasonably chilly morning. The bright sunshine was saturating their brown-feathered backs. I appreciated their strategy, relishing the rays penetrating the windowpane. We have been on the look-out for the robins, a hopeful sign that spring will…

  • Faith

    brave new world

    This week I made a big decision: to let go. Let go of maintaining my past-professional persona. Let go of my old blog. Let go of all expectations for my future. I’m prepared to completely upend my own apple cart. It’s taken some time to arrive at this decision. Until now,…