My Camino

Santiago de Compostela R&R

It was raining cats and dogs today in Santiago. We were so glad not to be trekking! Technically, this was a rest day. However, with only one full day in Santiago, we had places to go and things to do.

We had tickets for the Portico of Glory this morning, recently reopened to the public after restoration. Three intricately carved arches tell so many different stories; the column statues are stunning. The arc of detailed biblical history is amazing.

After marveling at the Portico of Glory, we had access to rooms of artifacts and exhibits about the cathedral and Master Mateo’s work. The scope is overwhelming. We couldn’t take photos but you’ll enjoy the web tour.

After lunch, we’d planned shopping and Pilgrim Massages for two. Can you guess which two were getting retail and spa therapy? Ha!

The boys found other things to do. One went on an insiders tour at the Cathedral. The other took on laundry duty. Can you guess which one had more fun?

As it turned out, the Hubs landed a bad dryer at the laundromat. Like, really bad. That’s our best guess, anyway. After the steam cleared, fire alarms chilled out, clothing was cool enough to touch, and owner satisfied the place wasn’t going to burn down, the Hubs made his escape!

Poor guy! I’ll admit, I was puzzled by the smell, abundance of wrinkles, and shrink-effect. Grateful he did the laundry, I resisted the urge to ask the obvious. He was hoping if he kept mum, I wouldn’t notice. Game over when I found a trekking shirt hopelessly fused into a clump!

It’s not like we’re trying to make a fashion statement, eh? As for those few irredeemable items, we needed more suitcase space anyway. At least we have enough clean laundry to take us to the End of the Earth!

I’ll admit, our arrival in Santiago and this brief reprieve from the trail has been bittersweet. So grateful to God for all the ways we’ve experienced His favor on The Way. We’ve carried one another’s burdens, step by step; savored the flavors and vistas; celebrated achievements, mile by mile. We’ve trekked one hundred sixty-some miles and walked many more on the journey from Porto to Santiago!

Sharing a celebratory meal with our trek-mates, the Hubs quoted a Psalm, toasting this remarkable moment and sweet Santiago victory:

Blessed are those who dwell in Your house;
They will still be praising You. (Selah)
Blessed is the (one) whose strength is in You,
Whose heart is set on pilgrimage.

Psalm 84:4-5 NKJV

Indeed, it has been a blessing to set our hearts on pilgrimage. To submit to a daily cycle of rinsing out — I’m talking hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits, not laundry. It’s hard and it’s good.

Tomorrow, we’ll release our friends for their journey home and begin our trek to Fisterra. We’re heading slightly south-westwardly, into the wind and rain, returning to the coast.

The journey continues for each and all. Press on, Pilgrim!

Hold hope. Keep faith. Walk your walk.

~ Sincerely, Sondra

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