• Faith

    God’s sunrise

    Advent Series: Darkness & Light [Christmas | Week 4 |  Week 3 | Week 2 | Week 1] Have you ever reacted in a curious and surprising way, embarrassing yourself? Laughing out loud at an inappropriate moment, for example. It’s not that it’s funny — usually far from it. At times,…

  • Faith

    the great light show

    Advent Series: Darkness & Light [Christmas | Week 4 |  Week 3 | Week 2 | Week 1] Have you ever played the game, Would You Rather? Each participant must choose between two options, neither likely to be appealing. Let’s play. ;=) Would you rather: walk alone — without the aid…

  • Faith

    marvelous light

    Advent Series: Darkness & Light [Christmas | Week 4 |  Week 3 | Week 2 | Week 1] Before anything else, there was God. He spoke. Then there was light. On this first Sunday of Advent, the creation story in Genesis may seem a strange place to start. Nonetheless, that’s where…