My Camino


We trekked more than 13 miles from Povoa de Varzim to arrive in Esposende foot-sore but feeling quite pleased with ourselves! It was a long day.

The first thing we saw were snails! Big, beautiful snails! Hundreds of them!

We trekked on over boardwalk with the Atlantic in view. Scenery was spectacular at low tide; we could see for miles across rocky landscape and low vegetation.

As we progressed North and the tide came in, we were mesmerized by the force of crashing waves. Beaches were luxuriously large but we saw many signs about the dangers in swimming.

We came to one area with massive extent of exposed seascape where bales of seaweed or kelp were scattered. Later we saw bales gathered up. I’m always fascinated by what people are doing, and why. It’s a puzzle sometimes.

In another area, we saw a huge tidal pool in the shape of a horseshoe. Nearby was a massive rusting buoy, likely laid to rest far inland by virtue of a big storm. The town nearby was protected by a seawall, at a great distance from the surf.

Later on, we trekked through the forest or alongside fields. We’re amazed at the diversity of all that grows in Portugal. It seems a rather long growing season, too. Some plants were just being started. Heat coming out the end of the greenhouse tunnels was intense!

Our walking notes advised this day’s trek held few amenities, and that proved accurate. We took advantage of the one small town we passed through to find lunch. It was a bit off the beaten path, but worth the detour.

Traditional Portuguese; no menu in English. The waiters were very gracious to help us figure things out. We all enjoyed the meal, and completed our trek with a bit more energy!

My devotional today was on friendship; you have to be a good friend to have a good friend. Sister-friends, childhood friends, friends-in-faith, work-friends, community-friends, family-friends, tested-and-true friends. Friendship makes life so rich and meaningful. I’m grateful.

I’m deeply blessed one of my dearest friends said yes to this trek! It’s a lot to ask of a friend. But oh, suffering is so much more tolerable and joy so much sweeter in the company of friends!

Friends near and far, I treasure you. May God bless and keep you in close care.

~ Sincerely, Sondra

2 Comments on “Esposende

  1. Those snails are beautiful! Can’t imagine what a great journey it is, and so happy you are among friends. I had a journey with a friend last weekend. We were in Boston. Took an Uber into town from Watertown to meet a friend at a museum. Just before we ate dinner, my cell phone died. No calling an Uber to get back, and walking was not an option. We relied on the kindness of strangers to help us navigate the bus system. An hour and a half later, we made it back to our hotel. We had met a number of friendly and helpful strangers who guided us on our way – including a lovely Armenian gentleman who I befriended, and fairly quickly learned he had a few screws loose. Kind none the less, and I applied a kind exit strategy!

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