welcome, friend
It’s no accident you’ve landed here, just now. Your timing is perfect to join me on a journey.
Just this morning my dentist inquired, “Where’s your next trip? You always have something planned.” She’s right. More often than not, there’s adventure on my horizon. Sometimes by RV, maybe grands in tow. Teaming up for volunteer service ministry. Or an amazing destination, ticking off the ever-growing bucket list.
But you know what? I’m always glad to get home to New York State’s humble North Country. As a No. Co. native, there’s nothing better than the sweet familiarity of this place, doing life in proximity to family, and local community of faith. I.e. My People.
Beyond that, the Revelation Wellness community is closest at heart. RevWell is faith-based training for body, mind and spirit, and a place where Jesus gets the first and final say. As a certified instructor, I facilitate small groups and events on the journey to live healthy, whole, and free. We neither obsess nor neglect the good body God created; we move at the Pace of Grace.
Blog post by post, I hope you’ll journey with me.
inhale Jesus, exhale peace
Have you struggled to control worry, fears or anxiety? Life is fraught, my friend but take heart. Hope and help is at hand!
Breath prayers are a powerful way to restore personal peace. I’m thankful for a friend who enlightened me during a dark season many years ago. In turn, I’m pleased to share in-depth insights on this simple and effective strategy to maintain equilibrium in your inner spirit.
Download your free copy of my Breath Prayer Guide. Subscribe to stay in the loop as new resources are released. Your information is safe and will not be shared.
percolating perspective
Ideas — like richly roasted and freshly ground coffee beans — are all the better for time to percolate. My blog is my coffee pot; each post a cup of encouragement. Thanks for stopping by to enjoy the current flavor.