Pace of Grace

love-paced race

Timing was perfect for release of the newest Revelation Wellness (RW) program, the Love-Paced Race.

As ordinary as walking can be, I don’t take completing our long trek for granted. Even at our relatively reasonable pace, nothing I’ve done to date can compare or prepare for rigor required for the Camino Portugues. Walk a half-marathon? Check. Another the next day? And the next? Ha!

So yes, that’s affirmative. Not training would be beyond foolhardy and could prevent me from seeing it through — literally, to the end of the earth. Finisterre, Spain; where so many epic adventures began. I don’t want to miss it, friend.

That’s why I’m excited for release of the Love-Paced Race! This comprehensive endurance walking training program is designed for every body — including mine and yours. It’s designed for nearly every ability; walking speed is doable for a wide range of differently-abled. It’s designed for every distance — from 5K, to full marathon, or something in between; in my case, beyond!

The Love-Paced Race is the full meal deal. Take a closer look (below left) for a run down of all that you get.

This is a comprehensive approach to working-it-out as a community of faith, as we’ve come to expect. Kudos to the RW team for delivering, again!

Revelation Wellness is not concerned with your six-pack abs or personal bests so much as your ability to perform activities of daily living. “Your body is for ability, not vanity,” is a common refrain — thank you, Alisa Keeton!

I’ve seen much of the goodness of God in the land of the living revealed through this ministry. I’ve come to appreciate my body; to believe it is good and I am enough. I’ve learned to hold peace and move in gratitude. That’s some good fruit of a ministry where Jesus gets the first and final say.

So then, whether you’re feeling sluggish or stuck in a rut; sensing the slightest nudge to get moving; desperate for fresh perspective; or rarin’ to reboot … don’t delay!

Join me — and others in our region, across our country, and around the world — in the Love-Paced Race. We are made to do hard things. This is a perfect time to start!

Follow these links to get up to L-PR speed:

Did you catch that powerhouse lineup of global ministry leaders linking arms on this program? Additional resources are available as a result of these partnerships. Tune into their feeds to be further inspired!

Meanwhile, our Camino training has commenced. Give a shout out if you spot the Hubs and I trekking a North Country byway. Have pack, will travel!

~ Sincerely, Sondra

P.S. No. Co. locals Begin 5k training by July 9 to be ready for the Lisbon Homecoming on August 17.