Faith - Travel

the ark encounter

There’s a lot to be said for Kentucky. Verdant, rolling hills — even as August brings the heat. Miles upon miles of stark wooden fencing; graceful thoroughbreds at pasture. Small towns and friendly people brimming with character. Lush crops in full leaf and flower, proximate to neatly tended farmsteads. In a word: picturesque.

But the main reason we’ve returned is another Ark Encounter. It’s called an encounter for good reason. There’s far too much to take in on a single visit. It reminds me of the truism about the elephant: too big to appreciate in whole. Fortunately, the gift store is well-stocked with great resources to fill in the gaps.

The Ark was our first big stop on the epic RV road trip; worth the long journey. We started our visit with the stunning virtual reality experience, a smash hit with the boys. Who can resist time travel?

There are questions around creation and events leading up to the flood; many will remain unanswered this side of heaven. That’s the substance of faith, is it not? We believe God for what we cannot see. As any quantum physicist will tell you, there is exceedingly more unseen than seen.*

The Ark Encounter, however, brings some seeing to believing! Feasibilities and possibilities take on realistic shape and form. Beautiful synergies abound in thoughtfully considered STEAM (science, technology, art, engineering, and math) applied to biblical events. This encounter inspires, no matter where you are on your faith-journey. In a word: marvelous. :=)

In the wisdom of the world, Noah’s story is just a story. The flood was just a flood. Believers are fools. Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians rings in my ears. “For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”  I’d much rather be considered a fool for God than to stand on my own strength or intellect.

Nearly fifty years of walking with Jesus, I’m only more convinced, “He is who He says He is; He did what He said He’d do.” I can’t begin to express how high my heart soars on that hope! And why, as day four of our epic RV adventure is a wrap, I know we’ll be talking about the Ark for a long time to come.

~ Sincerely, Sondra

*Grateful Alisa Keeton and Revelation Wellness reinforce this truth through The Body Revelation!