• Pace of Grace

    seeking and finding

    Summer evenings in the North Country linger long. As a kid, it seemed dusk took forever to settle into dark, near 9:00 p.m. That’s when the fireworks start on Fourth of July. Mostly, we found amusement in simple things. Sometimes we’d make a game of scooping lightning bugs from tall…

  • Pace of Grace

    biblical meditation: big win

    Part 2 of the biblical meditation series reveals the big win! To recap, in part 1, we learned biblical meditation: Fills your mind with God’s Word; Was designed for our good and God’s glory; Yields well-proven benefits. But wait, there’s more! Biblical meditation also: Leverages the power of God’s Word;…

  • Pace of Grace

    biblical meditation: because

    I’m pumped for the upcoming biblical meditation program, Exercise Your Mental Muscle, with the global Revelation Wellness community. I’d love for you to join me! If you are feeling weary or frazzled; stressed, anxious, or fearful, then you’re in the right place. Perhaps you feel stuck or a bit lost?…

  • Faith - Pace of Grace

    engineer me

    Launching Revelation Wellness Instructor Training on January 30th, founder Alisa Keeton shared what the Lord pressed into her heart for our cohort: Isaiah 58:12, engineers. I was blessed by the faithful word this lionhearted warrior delivered. She is so fierce for God’s kingdom! We are only the latest group of many…