• Faith - Travel

    the ark encounter

    There’s a lot to be said for Kentucky. Verdant, rolling hills — even as August brings the heat. Miles upon miles of stark wooden fencing; graceful thoroughbreds at pasture. Small towns and friendly people brimming with character. Lush crops in full leaf and flower, proximate to neatly tended farmsteads. In…

  • Faith

    big kids, big trips

    Have you ever struck on an idea that seemed quite brilliant … in the moment? “Surely,” you think, “This is one of my best ideas — ever!” You tell everyone who shows any interest (and some who don’t) all about it. Inevitably, perhaps much later, you realize you’ve actually got…

  • Faith


    Have you ever wondered about the call God has placed on your life? To be honest, I’ve spent far too much time trying to figure it out. Just me? There’ve been seasons when I thought I knew exactly what my calling was and how to proceed. But lately, not so…

  • Faith


    In November, Pete and I celebrated forty years of marriage, a milestone that coincides with his dairy farming career. Thus we find ourselves on the cusp of a new season, in a strange form of quasi-retirement, with newfound freedoms and financial realities that thoroughly unsettle me! By God’s perfect timing,…

  • Faith

    beloved aunt bea

    My beloved Aunt Bea went home to heaven yesterday. We grieve her passing deeply. She fought so hard to recover. She overcame many complications. All along, I believed she would pull through; she’d stay awhile. I was wrong. My heart is broken. My aunt had a beautiful outlook on life.…

  • Faith

    trust Jesus, just Jesus

    It’s snowing this morning; big, wet flakes falling relentlessly from a leaden-gray sky. There’s nothing so quite discouraging as snow in mid-April in the North Country! It’s hard to believe spring is here. Unless, that is, you know what I know. Yesterday I worked my flower gardens. It was so…

  • Faith

    I believe

    A glorious sunrise burst over the North Country just as I was starting to write. It was too good not to share. I bundled up and braved the cold, so you wouldn’t miss out. A new day has dawned in the blogosphere, too. I’m writing again, happily.  The week between…